Tuesday, October 07, 2008

F'd up pink kit

Well I got my parcel for our pink ribbon day, but this is how it arrived, don't you just LOVE couriers...thanks soooo much to the dude who left this on our door step.... minus the pens that were supposed to be in it.. I'm not saying he took them, just that they are not in the box.

I've emailed and faxed to say that the pens were missing and attached the photos to the email....Hope the delivery mob get a kick up the ass.

Mark used to be a courier so I know that they really don't give a crap about the stuff they deliver...boxes get kicked and thrown around.

On a brighter side...I did score a gift voucher from the pet shop and $10 worth of lollies for our guessing game.from another shop and the local baker is donating pink iced donuts.


Ngaire said...

Congrats on the gift voucher. Bummer about how the packages arrived!

Unknown said...

Thats shocking way for something to arrive, courers have alot to answer for.