Thursday, June 28, 2007

football yobbos

Yesterday was my niece Bronwyn's 6th birthday..... Happy birthday Bronnie
There is a pressie on its way to you.

Today is the 5th anniversary of my nephew passing away...time goes so fast doesn' t it.. and on Saturday...Mum will have been gone for a year already where the heck does the time go???

I was talking to Erics football coach and the team manager ( good friends of ours) the other day... they were telling me about a fight that broke out on the other oval... between two fathers..... one father....(lets call him 'Moron') called out to his son....something like 'takle the faggot' or 'get the faggot'....yes....he yelled that out at an under 12's match....well the father (lets call him 'Good'O') of the boy whom he called a faggot went and confronted him.
Then it turned into a yelling and pushing match between 'Moron' and 'Good'O'

Its a kids game, they are there for fun..... they certainly don't need to be called disgusting names ... this 'Moron' father should be banned from the oval...I think

I think I might join the football committee...and see what can be done about this crap... I don't understand football myself...but I do help out on the committe if I Pie Night... etc...

This just makes my blood boil.......grrrrrrrrrr

on a lighter note... lol... I have finally finished Ngaires challenge 'birds' from scrap your scraps....come on over and join a challenge...come on.... we do need some visitors

I'll love ya long time

Ngaires 'bird' challenge

1 comment:

Ngaire said...

Liz your take on my challenge looks great!
You do have to wonder what goes through some peoples heads when their kids play sport dont you!
Good on you for wanting to go and do something about it!