Saturday, February 23, 2008

mmm food

Emily, David and I went to the Pako Festa today...the weather was a bit minute it was nice and sunny...then it'd get all windy and it'd start spitting...then the sun would come out again..and so on and so on.
There was some great music... and 'Stringybark McDowell' (see clip above) was there right down near one of the you could go and get a nice bevvy and come and sit outside and guy was enjoying himself so much he got up to dance around... I could have sat there awhile, but the kids thought it was quite it was time to move on.
Em and I had some Nasi Goreng for lunch at $6.50 in a cardboard noodle was very filling and very yummy.. it was cooked in a huge wok see picture below... funny thing...2 years the very same place...probably the very same wok...we had a dish called paella with exactly the same ingredients in ... must have a google to see what the differnce is apart from them being spanish and indonesian.
Dave wasn't feeling very hungry and was complaining of a sore back...
Later we bought a big pretzel with cinnamon on it. for $4.. we weren't that wrapt in was just like a thin twisty bread with cinnamon on it.. won't be buying another one....Also tried some Greek donuts... bleah... crunchy balls of dough dripping in grease (and honey ) I think
There was so many different foods to try and some of it free... like fruit and nuts...mmmmm
ohh and we also saw some of the actors from Home and Away....Emily was going to get in the queue until she saw the size of it.....later it was announced that the queue was really small and that if you got in it'd still get to have your pic taken and get an auitograph.. so we raced down to the stage but by the time we got had shut the gate..
We stood at the front ... Em and I took some pics..and later Jessica gave Em an autographed pic..
look it's pretty
Paul , Jessica, Charlotte and Lyn

Nasi Goreng

a big pretzel

and go and go and go with milo

Buttermilk pancakes

We've been having buttermilk pancakes for breakfast the last few Sundays...mmm...but oh so bad for you

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