Thursday, November 22, 2007

stuff about stuff

Coby's ATC challenge this week was chirstmas 'anticipation'
the scans a bit off..... I sewed on this one... ok I glued too but I did do some sewing.
This one was fun, thanks Coby.

Was sorting through my links...and while looking at this one found this and

I've been doing a bit more christmas shopping...2 more down...hoorah.!!

I picked up a copy of girl stuff the other day ...thinking that it would be ok for a certain somone that's having a birhtday soon...I think mostly it is a very good informative book.....but.... I'm a bit worried about the subject of oral it....I'm really not keen on her reading about that just yet I don't think...maybe I could give it to her with a seeled a Dolly magazine...

Nah...I think maybe it can sit in the cupboard for awhile til she's a bit older.
*EDITED to add *
...a link to this.....I sooooo can't wait for this to come out....the back cover has a picture of the Gershwin Room...where it was filmed...and the list of songs...
Roll on 1st Dec

1 comment:

Melissa Antolovic said...

carefully trim those pages out with a craft knife!