Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Kayla tagged me....

so here goes....

7 Random facts about me....

1. I hate crawly things..
2. I have to dye my hair (stooopid greys)
3. I'm afraid of dentists...(childhood trauma)
4. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother....I am the youngest
5. I have a warped sense of humor
6. I'm easily addicted to things
7. soon I'll be the shortest in our family....bloomin kids keep growing.....

now I'm spose to tag 7 people...to do this tag....but I'm sure everyones done it....so if you haven't done it and are reading this....consider yourself tagged...

luv ya

1 comment:

Jess said...

I love this song so much. It's one of my absolute all-time favourites. Has so many good memories of fantastic nights out.
