Saturday, September 01, 2007

more on kitty

We picked Sofi up at 6 pm yesterday ....she was sooooo pissed off, hissing and growling at everyone, the poor baby.

I made her a bed up in the laundry out of any draughts (normally she'll sleep on someones bed ) and so as she'd be close to her water and litter tray.

This morning I gave her a little food...and put an old doona in front of one of the lounge windows where the sun comes through....she layed there for ages until Mark started up the motorbike then she hid under the crystal cabinet.

She goes back in 10 days to have the stitches removed.

I do feel a little sad about the fact that she was pregnant (3 wks) but the vet assured me it was for the best ...and said because of Sofi's size she would have had a hard time giving birth...maybe would have even needed a caesarean...which would have been awful not to mention pricey..

So now Sofi has a micro chip , tattoo and a scar...and a few bald patches (foreleg and flank)

Have been thinking about the picture of the card I posted the other day...
there's no 'I' in 'you're a moron'
that would be cool on a t-shirt don't ya think.
I'm assuming that this person didn't make up that saying as some of the other cards have sayings I've heard I guess its fair game to do what ever you want with it. am I wrong??


Ngaire said...

Oh poor Sofi! I hope she is feeling better soon. It is amazing how attached we become to our little creatures and how much they become a part of our life.

SJ said...

You could make T shirts over on Cafepress :)