Saturday, September 01, 2007

feasting on friday

Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?
Mark (dh) or I'd say one of my friends Karen and Karyn.

If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
Egypt maybe

What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
would like to say ...witnessing a birth...but can't...umm gee I've had a boring life...I'd have to say...the first time I went to see a band live ...(which was Hunters and Collectors at the old Tarmac in Melb in the 80's)

Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?
gee this is tricky...cos there are so many drunks and drink drivers already... and so many boobs out....ohh maybe a little clip of me singing on singstar

What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
I think maybe 25ish...


Anonymous said...

Great Feast. :-) I said Egypt too. The publicity stunt for me was hard too. How do you compete with so many "good stunts" thus far?

J.D. Long said...

Interesting Feast -- Come see mine!


Berto and Kwala said...

great feast! i see you had a hard time with the main course... too many puclicity stunts out there already huh? =)

come taste my feast!