Tuesday, January 09, 2007

one word

Here's my album for Ali Edwards challenge... also combining this with challenge #2 on KSK to 'use my stash'.... which is using some alpha stickers and rubons.
I'm also covering my art journal ....for the 'art journal' challenges on KSK.....(using my scraps) :)
I really need to go to Harvey Normand and get some photos printed....so I can start on this calendar.
and hey...... on Friday..... Mark and I have been married 16 years !!
todays topic
isn't it funny how certain smells can take you back to your childhood....the other day....while driving I could smell something...not sure what it was....but straight away.... I could picture my brother (Joe ) and I in the back of my Dads blue EJ holden, station wagon....coming back from a holiday with Mum and Dad...
and yesterday I was in Kmart looking at a beaded necklace (it was browns and yellows)... this yellow bead...reminded me of something from when I was a child.....couldn't think what....maybe someone had a necklace with that same colour?
My ears can't handle too much noise at once....like the tv and the radio on at thte same time.... I just can't listen to it.... it drives me nuts...I have good hearing.....I have mother hearing..!
I love to touch and feel the texture of things..... but oooh I hate the feel of.....cheap ------(I can't think what its called)winter jumpers are made from it...sythetic....anyway...it makes me feel all icky... if I touch it...a bit like touching a spider...ewww..
Taste........hmmm love sweet things....and savoury......like..... wine..... and bbq shapes...lol.. or ohh yummm vole vonts (sp)...you know those pastry things ....with the filling in it...chicken and asparagus.....mmmmm


Jess said...

Mother hearing - what a great description!

Isn't it funny how such small things can bring back really strong memories. Every time I smell beetroot I'm immediately sitting on my Nan's picnic blanket at Rye beach with her home cooked beetroot!


Ngaire said...

Hmmm. Gonna have to get me some of that mother hearing. Think I am missing out on something here...